Fried Sesame Balls Recipe

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • ХоббиХобби

Комментарии • 278

  • @the1observer
    @the1observer 4 года назад +36

    The microphone is adding so much quality to your videos. Very professional, keep it up.

  • @sewaldodiy
    @sewaldodiy 4 года назад +6

    I love these sesame balls with red bean paste filling!

  • @oldgeezer3324
    @oldgeezer3324 4 года назад +15

    I am jealous of your parents, I never had a daughter but if I did have one, I would want her to be you. Your family must be very proud of you. I am greatly enjoying your channel, I have been spending a great deal of money in last few days on equipment and supplies preparing to try your recipes because they are so inspiring and look so delicious.

    • @marugotofromMCGI
      @marugotofromMCGI 2 года назад +6

      Love your daughter for who they are, if you have one! They might feel pressure from your expectations and grow distant from you...
      God bless you!
      love from MCGI💕

    • @nobodyknows6910
      @nobodyknows6910 Год назад

      Oo nga naman. 😭

    • @nobodyknows6910
      @nobodyknows6910 Год назад +1

      I remember my Auntie. She was so jealous of her sister (my mommy) because my auntie had only 3 sons. She never had a dughter
      And she want to adopt me. She want to take me away from my mother because my auntie reaaly really adores me. But my Mother said, "my daughter is not a toy to borrow." 😂😂😂😂
      They laugh at each other.I really really missed them so much. Because their both now in Heaven😭😭😭😭😭

  • @na195097
    @na195097 4 года назад +4

    4:43 - hello doggo. So cute

  • @BunnyloveforJesus
    @BunnyloveforJesus 3 года назад +10

    I’ve tried making it already and it is a really great recipe, thank you, Mandy for teaching us how to make sesame balls.

  • @mrmrswalterjobjr4188
    @mrmrswalterjobjr4188 4 года назад +20

    Mung bean stuffed sesame balls are my favorite. Thanks so much for this recipe. Love your dog photobomb too. 😁

  • @treefittyforall
    @treefittyforall 4 года назад +4

    These look amazing! I love when people use coconut anything in a recipe. Isn't she just precious? All of her recipes look so good.

  • @lawrencekelli
    @lawrencekelli 4 года назад +5

    A coconut jam in the middle would be yummy. Love this recipe..thanks so much.

  • @SusannahlovesMiley
    @SusannahlovesMiley 4 года назад +6

    I made them! Really good. I made some adjustments though, like the temperature; 15m at 175c. 130c was too low and became an oil ball. The 60g extra glut rice flour was very much needed.

  • @techramancer
    @techramancer 4 года назад +18

    Happy Chinese New Year! I hope it's a wonderful time and that you have a wonderful year following :)

  • @boscoboasdad6562
    @boscoboasdad6562 4 года назад +2

    Thank you. I have been experimenting with both coconut milk and sesame seeds. This recipe will work well for me because I never follow recipes exactly. An example would be what I do with your Wok. It is a great pan that I use for many things, fried potatoes, stew, Spanish rice, stir fry anything, and left overs. I even finally got a gas stove, Wow! I had a glass top stove that I never did like with any cookware. Now your Wok is almost foolproof. My favorite use of your Wok is to fry, and burn lightly, Brussel Sprouts, cut in half, and pork loin, cut in the Wok while frying. I add just soy sauce and hoisin sauce. It is super fast to make. It tastes Asian. I looks Asian, and the Wok is so easy to clean. I do not probably maintain it right, but I have no trouble with it at all. It is becoming a very versatile pan for me. Did I mention spaggettee Thank you again.

  • @noniefuss
    @noniefuss 4 года назад +3

    Sesame balls with mung bean paste is one of my favorite treats! Thank you for showing me your recipe! I will have to try the lotus paste filling!

  • @Dragonkid1801
    @Dragonkid1801 4 года назад +43

    Aw, your dog came to see what you were doing. That's cute!

    • @jwesley235
      @jwesley235 3 года назад +3

      @@jeffreyrichardson Look for a brief doggy cameo at the 4:44 mark.

  • @coconutspalms7357
    @coconutspalms7357 17 дней назад

    Oh my gosh!!!!! Thank you so much for the coconut ball recipe. My first ever attempt & this turned out superbly delicious. My stuffing was completely different with Moroccan spiced slow cooked grounded beef & shitake mushrooms. The balls golden brown, crispy & perfect! Just gave some to my neighbour & she wants more 😋. I need to make another batch. Yummy!!!!!❤❤❤

  • @armandorjusino
    @armandorjusino 4 года назад +4

    I wish you and all the viewers the same, your channel is the best and you are a true blessing, thank you for the recipes, happy new year Mandy.

  • @rita7070
    @rita7070 4 года назад +5

    the montage/editing starting at 4:59 is amazing! I'd really love to see the sesame ball cut in half at the end and I guess it would make for a good thumbnail

  • @DarDarBinks1986
    @DarDarBinks1986 4 года назад +5

    These are my favorite dessert item to get at my local Chinese buffet.

  • @biondatiziana
    @biondatiziana 4 года назад +14

    Your videos are outstanding! So clear and with just the right amount of detail. I would have been intimidated to try to make these, but after watching this video, I'll give it a go!. Happy New Year, and keep up the great work!

  • @user-nt8xv1ns7w
    @user-nt8xv1ns7w 4 года назад +15

    Happy Luna New Years Mandy. Thanks for this recipe, sesame seed snacks are a favorite. All the best, happy day.

    • @SoupedUpRecipes
      @SoupedUpRecipes  4 года назад +3

      Happy new year. Wish you good fortune (新年快乐,恭喜发财)

  • @mikecolumna
    @mikecolumna 4 года назад +1

    Thank you very much for sharing this recipe! I craved this treat but was not able to buy it here where I now live. The last time I found any for purchase was during a visit to my brother, who's Atlanta residence is over a four hour drive away. The one's on offer there contained red bean paste and were fabulously delicious! I can't wait to try your recipe and hopefully satisfy this unbearable craving! Many blessings to you and yours!

  • @annjones3672
    @annjones3672 4 года назад +1

    A happy and prosperous New Year to you also!

  • @tableofcontents5656
    @tableofcontents5656 4 года назад +9

    I just subscribed to your channel. Your videos are the best I've seen at properly explaining and showing the process for each dish. You take the time to go through the full process, not just making a three minute video. Plus they are calming:) Happy New Year!

  • @merika206
    @merika206 4 года назад +7

    I’ve always loved these and yes they’re so good warm!! Made them before but not with coconut milk. Yum!!

  • @Sco6014
    @Sco6014 4 года назад +2

    Happy new year Mandy. I like hearing the personal story about waiting by the stove to get one while its still hot! Very relatable. Great recipe very few ingredients and lots of technicalities.

  • @patamayan6025
    @patamayan6025 4 года назад +1

    Thank you very much for your nice recipes nice to see you again thanks happy CNY to you

  • @ScottRedstone
    @ScottRedstone Год назад

    I made these for Easter. They were exactly like the ones we get in restaurants. Will make them again and again.

  • @Wwalker1000
    @Wwalker1000 4 года назад +3

    Another terrific recipe! Thanks Mandy and Happy New Year....also, thank-you for your hard work putting these videos together. We really appreciate it!

  • @s.7.7.74
    @s.7.7.74 4 года назад +1

    Will definitely try your recipe. That’s my kids favorite snack.

  • @barbramighall4518
    @barbramighall4518 4 года назад +1

    Happy and prosperous New Year to you and your whole family.

  • @susanhong-sammons1225
    @susanhong-sammons1225 Месяц назад

    I love to cook and find your recipes delicious!!!

  • @SuperLemonhed
    @SuperLemonhed 4 года назад +1

    Thank you it worked! I'm not a very good cook but your instructions were perfect. It made my family reminded of this snack by our chinese grandmother. Keep making your great videos!!

  • @shadodragonette
    @shadodragonette 4 года назад +15

    Your channel is wonderful, thank you for all the hard work you put into it. I have tried a few of your recipes, and have used some of your methods in my other favorite recipes. All my food tastes so much better and has a better mouth-feel. I didn't even know many of these things existed before I started watching your channel, and your methods are equally not part of what I was taught in cooking classes. I experiment with vinegars and oils and spices I never heard of before your channel. A little of one added to family favorites makes it all much better! Maybe people in big cities grew up with them, but they don't even sell them locally. I buy them when I visit friends, or my son feels like a road trip. One shelf of my fridge is half full of sauces and oils and vinegars I learned about from you. I don't think most of them need to be in the fridge, but I have a very small kitchen and there isn't room anywhere else.

  • @soniaomar9395
    @soniaomar9395 4 года назад

    Wishing you and your family a happy New Year

  • @SarahAndBoston
    @SarahAndBoston 4 года назад +2

    I love eating these! Thanks for the recipe!

  • @tropicielhistorii9005
    @tropicielhistorii9005 4 года назад

    I Love Your Kitchen. Great Job.

  • @theresa5059
    @theresa5059 4 года назад +4

    Looks delicious! 😋
    I loved the format you used for filming the process of making the sesame balls. 👍

  • @tranism
    @tranism 4 года назад +1

    There's a Vietnamese version that is filled with pandan flavored mung bean paste with shredded toasted coconut. I always get the Chinese version when I go to dim sum. Thank you for this recipe. I'm going to try.

  • @whitefreeman5798
    @whitefreeman5798 4 года назад +3

    thank you for sharing.. i wish i had chinese friends to teach me about yummy traditional foods

  • @carolsze6559
    @carolsze6559 4 года назад +2

    Happy New Year! Would love to see other traditional New Year dishes.

  • @Idontreadreplies23
    @Idontreadreplies23 4 года назад

    Remarkable. The quality of your videos are on par with the quality of your cooking, as always. 🙂

  • @thewhiskybowman
    @thewhiskybowman 4 года назад +2

    Happy Lunar New Year! Those do indeed look good.

  • @puggirl415
    @puggirl415 4 года назад +3

    I love these treats. I used to get a flat version without the interior filling in Chinatown in the USA near my home. I always wondered if the flat ones were a variation or if it's a completely different dough. It tastes the same. Chewy and sweet with crunchy sesame seeds on the outside. Just flat not filled. I definitely want to make these.

  • @raqueleherrera7176
    @raqueleherrera7176 Год назад

    I like your recipe and demonstration. Thank you so much for sharing your recipe!

  • @angelad.8944
    @angelad.8944 4 года назад +1

    Xīnnián kuàilè! Gōngxǐ fācái as well. : ) Looking forward to what you will be sharing with us throughout the coming year. Thanks for all you dedication and willingness to share.

  • @MalteseKat
    @MalteseKat 4 года назад

    You are an admirable woman. I have learned so much and continue to learn.

  • @arubani-7592
    @arubani-7592 4 года назад +3

    This is my most favorite snack ever. I always buy them but now I wanna make them

  • @glencooper3783
    @glencooper3783 Год назад

    Thanks for sharing your recipes. Love your show. Please keep on cooking.

  • @Globalfoodbook1
    @Globalfoodbook1 4 года назад +3

    The sesame balls are so fantastic. I like your choice of ingredients, the way you moulded the balls, your presentation style and the outcome of the sesame balls. Well done my friend

  • @natsirtt
    @natsirtt 4 года назад +1

    The editing is so good!! Great video!

  • @VegasLilliehook
    @VegasLilliehook 4 года назад +2

    Happy New Year Mandy! Thank you for another wonderful year full of great recipes! :) :) :)

  • @ChocolateFantasies
    @ChocolateFantasies 4 года назад +4

    this is what we call buchi i think!! looks so good 😋

  • @imjustdandy9799
    @imjustdandy9799 4 года назад +2

    This is one of the things I miss most from Shanghai! Thanks Mandy! 新年快樂!

  • @butterflyr2026
    @butterflyr2026 4 года назад +2

    Happy new year 💓from Egypt

  • @MrJojo442
    @MrJojo442 4 года назад +1

    Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family!!!!!!!

  • @philipperkins5220
    @philipperkins5220 4 года назад

    Noticed your little helper in the video. Too cute.

  • @evan-r-k
    @evan-r-k 4 года назад +2

    OMG so excited... the asian bakery only sells these on weekends and theyre amazing

  • @ParmaJohnn
    @ParmaJohnn 4 года назад +1

    Will definitely try this for Chinese New Year

  • @sergeiz.5815
    @sergeiz.5815 4 года назад +1

    These are awesome 👌

  • @serenefairytail2122
    @serenefairytail2122 4 года назад +1

    I love these. I am so happy for the recipe!!!🥟

  • @shannonphillips2866
    @shannonphillips2866 4 года назад +1

    I’ve been waiting for this recipe from you! Thank you

  • @mcomeslast
    @mcomeslast Год назад

    I love the red bean paste ones. I used to get some at Pike place market with a chicken mushroom bao.

  • @theintern2960
    @theintern2960 4 года назад +2

    I've had these before, and I loved them. Thank you so much for sharing the recipe!

  • @lindylindybasicoceangirl
    @lindylindybasicoceangirl 4 года назад

    ...oh Mandy happiest of New Years to you as well✨🤍💫

  • @changschul7208
    @changschul7208 Год назад

    Thanks for sharing 👍,..
    I only watched your recipes, you explained more details. 👍👍✨️❤️

  • @judemcdougall9504
    @judemcdougall9504 Год назад

    Thanks heaps I will make these for new year

  • @ShadowPoet
    @ShadowPoet 4 года назад +2

    Happy Chinese New Year from Lebanon! Hope you and your family have a prosperous 2021 and always! 🥳😘

  • @garythomas9440
    @garythomas9440 4 года назад

    Happy Lunar New Year to you and your family .... thanks for all of your videos

  • @JamieRoberts77
    @JamieRoberts77 4 года назад +2

    This is simply the best channel EVER! Thank you, Mandy! And Happy New Year! 🎊🎆

    • @SoupedUpRecipes
      @SoupedUpRecipes  4 года назад

      Happy new year to you too, wish you good fortune! (新年快乐,恭喜发财!)

  • @changschul7208
    @changschul7208 4 года назад

    Thanks for sharing your recipe.... I have learned from you and I like it.

  • @gofishblowfish
    @gofishblowfish 4 года назад +1

    I will have to make these with my brother now!!! This was our fav sweet treat at dim sum on Sundays 🎉💁🏻‍♀️🎉

  • @Drifter6942
    @Drifter6942 4 года назад +1

    Happy New Year !!!

  • @Waveito2
    @Waveito2 4 года назад +2

    Happy new year!! I like these with red bean in the middle

    • @SoupedUpRecipes
      @SoupedUpRecipes  4 года назад +1

      Happy new year to you too, wish you good fortune! (新年快乐,恭喜发财!)

  • @LifeoftheGatos
    @LifeoftheGatos 2 года назад

    New subscriber here. I appreciate all the information you share in all your recipe. Thank you. I’m Asian and this kind of food is what I’m missing aside from noodle dishes.😊

  • @maeverlylilith9295
    @maeverlylilith9295 4 года назад +1

    Blessings to you and your family Mandy for this New Year❣️
    I’m looking forward to trying this recipe. 💜💜💜

  • @deborahswanson3457
    @deborahswanson3457 4 года назад

    I LOVE these made with red bean paste! Yummy!

  • @stormygirl1704
    @stormygirl1704 4 года назад +2

    I’ve never had these, but they look delicious! Hope those sesame balls bring you lots of fortune! 💰

  • @ayalasender
    @ayalasender 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you for the recipe and detailed explanation. One of my favourite Asian desserts! And I miss it as I don't live in a place where I can purchase them anymore. Will have to try making them myself 😊

  • @BendtSten
    @BendtSten 4 года назад +1

    Thank you and a very Happy New Year to you and yours 🥂🍷🍻🎉🇩🇰
    From a Danish fan and viewer 🇩🇰🤠

  • @terencemorris7066
    @terencemorris7066 4 года назад +1


  • @TheNails3
    @TheNails3 2 года назад

    Fantastic video! Very professional and full of useful information. Love your shirt too, it is so pretty!

  • @changschul7208
    @changschul7208 4 года назад

    Thanks for sharing my girl,
    You the best explanation how to make sesame balls. 👍👍👍

  • @fox8340
    @fox8340 4 года назад

    I followed your recipe. It came out good. It just get hard and crunchy when it cool down which I still do like.

  • @cardamooon
    @cardamooon 4 года назад +1

    Happy Lunar New Year ✨🌙

  • @lghtngfan
    @lghtngfan 4 года назад +58

    I've had these at Chinese buffets before ... I always wondered how they made them! :)

  • @workshopcreations
    @workshopcreations 4 года назад

    I love your simple recipes

  • @o.h.w-ok
    @o.h.w-ok 7 дней назад

    Yum!!! Can’t wait to try this! ❤

  • @elcapitan9289
    @elcapitan9289 4 года назад

    Pre-Covid when my family and I Would go to the Chinese buffet And the sesame balls where my Favorite dessert thanks for the Recipe I will share it with my mom.!

  • @gayezimhuycke
    @gayezimhuycke 4 года назад

    My favourite dim sum or yum cha dessert. Thanks.

  • @RedDragonVideos
    @RedDragonVideos 4 года назад +1

    You make The Red Dragon drool 🤤🤤 Excellent recipe for the New Year 🎊💞🐲👍❤️💯

  • @LinhNguyen-hn1yg
    @LinhNguyen-hn1yg Год назад

    Good channel ! Thanks !

  • @Roche687
    @Roche687 3 года назад

    Great recipes Mandy 👌😋

  • @gloriamboya5962
    @gloriamboya5962 11 месяцев назад

    Wow.. amazing

  • @hiprettyladyenc
    @hiprettyladyenc 4 года назад

    Happy New Year!! It shall Be Happy and Prosperous!!💵💲🧧🧧🐂

  • @Prillysflavor
    @Prillysflavor 4 года назад

    Those look real delish my friend yumm

  • @padussia
    @padussia 3 года назад

    That looks very tasty.

  • @yoyomi
    @yoyomi 2 года назад

    I love these sesame balls and appreciate you sharing your recipe. I can't wait to make them along with the red bean paste, mung bean paste and the chocolate ones, as they sound good to this chocoholic. 😋

  • @cookingwithmimmo
    @cookingwithmimmo 4 года назад

    Oh wow look very good 👍

  • @miken9484
    @miken9484 4 года назад

    I ate 4 sesame balls yesterday. Its one of my favorites.

  • @myrnasilverio1362
    @myrnasilverio1362 3 года назад

    My favorite, so yummy

  • @colehagood8448
    @colehagood8448 3 года назад

    Yummy that looks so good